Engagement Session at Rosemary Beach and Santa Rosa Beach
Michelle and Justin had the BEST engagement session ever! We started our session out at Rosemary Beach in Santa Rosa Beach, wandering around the most picturesque town ever and even started the session off with all their adorable puppies! Aren’t they just the cutest!? And they were seriously the most well behaved pups ever too! So so good. I absolutely LOVE that Michelle and Justin wanted to start their session off with their entire family… I’m such a fan! Then after the puppies got taken home, we walked around town getting the cutest shots ever of these two! They are so sweet and being around them both was just so fun and easy! It makes me soooooo excited for their wedding this spring at Kelly Plantation.
After Rosemary Beach, we ended our session on the beach literally surrounded by storm clouds, everywhere EXCEPT over the Gulf. It was incredible! We all still cannot believe we didn’t get poured on… we got a little quarter of a rainbow out of it though! Heck yeah!
Enjoy some of my faves from their engagement session. xoxo
If you liked this session, you might want to check out this one and this one too!